Theme: Implementation of heriditary information
2. Purpose: To create at students modern representations and knowledge of the direction and mechanisms of transfer of heriditary information in live systems, their role and value in functioning of live organisms in normal and pathological conditions.
3. Theses of lectures:
3.1 Central dogma of molecular biology (the main postulate of Cry). Types of transfer of genetic information in live systems: the general, specialized, forbidden.
3.2 Replication. Basic principles and types of replication of DNA.Concept about replicon.
3.3. Transcription. Transcription mechanisms at prokaryote and eukaryote.Processing and splaysing.Alternative splaysing.
3.4. Problem trailer not replications and its decision.
3.5. Genetic code, concept, properties.
3.6. Translation. Translation mechanisms (protein biosynthesis).
3.7. Post-transmitting updating of proteins.
Implementation of heriditary information includes processes of replication (self-gemination) of DNA for ensuring constancy of a heriditary material among cellular generations; transcriptions – copyings of heriditary information from DNA on information (matrix) RNA (i-RNK) and translations – transfer of nucleotide sequence i-RNK in amino-acid sequence (a protein biosynthesis).
The last process (translations) is carried out on the basis of the genetic code possessing certain properties. Translation provides a structural basis and functioning of cells and an organism.
In certain cases again synthesized protein is exposed to structural transformations (post-transmitting updating).
4. Illustrative material: multimedia lectures No. 1-2.
5. Literature:
The main:
5.1. Genetics. Under the editorship of Ivanov V. I. M, 2006.
5.2. Ginter E.K. Medical genetics.M, 2003.
5.3. Zhimulev I.F. General and molecular genetics.Novosibirsk, 2006.
5.4. Kazymbet P. K., Miroyedova E.P. Biology. Astana, 2006.
5.5. Medical biology and genetics. Under the editorship of prof. Kuandykov E.U. Almaty, 2004.
5.6. Muminov T.A., Kuandykov E.U. Bases of molecular biology (course of lectures). Almaty, 2007.
5.7. Mushkambarov N. N., Kuznetsov S. L. Molecular biology. M, 2003.
5.8. Faller D. M., Shields D. Molecular cytobiology. M, 2003.
The additional:
5.1. Alberts B., Brey with, etc. Molecular cytobiology.M, 1994.
5.2. Introduction in molecular medicine. Under the editorship of Paltsev M. A. M, 2004.
5.3. Zengbush P. Molecular and cellular biology.M, 1983.
5.4. Zenger V. Principles of the structural organization of nucleic acids. M, 1987.
5.5. To Inga-Vechtomov S.G. Genetics with selection bases. M, 1989.
5.6. Konichev A.S., Sevastyanov G. A. Molecular biology. M, 2005.
5.7. Lyyuin B. Genes. M, 1997.
5.8. Wilson Dzh., Hunt T. Molecular cytobiology. Collection of tasks.M, 1994.
6. Control questions (feedback):
6.1. Types of transfer of heriditary information.
6.2. Replication principles.
6.3. Features of replication of the leader and a lagging behind chain of DNA.
6.4. Features of a transcription of eukaryote.
6.5. What is the processing, a splaysing?
6.6. That represents an alternative splaysing and its value.
6.7. Properties of a genetic code.
6.8. Features of translation at prokaryote.
6.9. Features of translation of genes at eukaryote.
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