Sections Molecular Biology and Medical Genetics
№ section
| Theme
| The basis of Molecular biology
| Molecular biology of the cells
| The General Genetics foundations
| The medical Genetics foundations
| Section, topic
| Type of working and duration (in hours)
| Lectures (1 hour)
| Practical classes.(2 hours)
| Check control(4 hours)
| SIW p (3 hours)
| Independent S.W.(3 hours)
| The basis of Molecular biology
| -
| Check Control
| Molecular biology of the cells
| -
| Check Control
| The General Genetics foundations
| -
| Check control
| The medical Genetics foundations
| -
| Check Control
| | Generally:162 Hours
| Total points:
| |
| |
| The maximum number points for two semesters, 100 * 0.6
| Maximum number points of the final control (exams) - 100 * 0.4
| Total number points in the discipline - 100
2.9 Recommended literature:
In Russian:
2.9.1.Biology. Ed by Yarygina.V.N.T 1.2.M. high school, 2004, pg.320
2.9.2. Bochkov N.P, Clinical genetics. M. Geotar – Med. 2004, pg.444
2.9.3.Genetics. Edited by Ivanova.V.I. M.: IKC <Academic book>, 2006. Pg.638
2.9.4. Гинтер.E.K. Medical Genetics. M.: medicine, 2003 pg.446
2.9.5. Kuandykov.E.U. Muminov T.A. Basis of the Molecular biology.A. 2007. Pg 224
2.9.6. Kuandykov.E.U., the General medical genetics foundations. A. 2008. pg 204
2.9.7.Medical biology and genetics. Ed. By Kuandykov.E.U..Almaty,2004, pg 444
2.9.8. Mushkambarov N.N. Kuznetsov S.L. Molecular biology. M. 2003. Pg 544
2.9.9.Shipkov V.P., Krivosheina G.N. General and Medical genetics, M: <Academy >,2003. Pg.256
2.9.10. Faller D.M. Shields D. Molecular biology of the cells. M: 2003. Pg 272
2.9.1. Ayala F. Kayger.J. the Modern Genetics. M: world, 1988. Volume 1.2 pg.288
2.9.2. Zhimulev I.F. General and Molecular genetics. Novosibirsk, 2003. Pg 478
2.9.3. Ivanov V.P., Grebenik L.A. Kirilenko A.I. Biology. Kursk, 2003, pg. 374
2.9.4. Pekhov A.P. Biology and General genetics. St. - Petersburg, Moscow. 2006, pg. 640
2.9.5. Genomic medicine. Ed. By Ivanov V.P. M: <Academy book>,2006. Pg.392
2.9.6. Kazymbet P.K. Miroedova E.P. Biology. Part I,II. Astana, 2006,2007
2.9.7. Konichev A.S. Sevastyanova G.A. Molecular biology. M. 2005, pg.397
In Kazakh:
The main:
2.9.1. Kazymbet P.K. Azhanzholova. L.E. Nurtaeva K.S. Medical biology. Almaty,2002. Pg.350
2.9.2.. Kuandykov.E.U., Alibaev S.A. Medical biology and genetics. Almaty, 446
2.9.3. Kuandykov.E.U., Nuraliev U.E. Basis of General and medical genetics. Almaty,2009,pg.216
2.9.4. Kuandykov.E.U., Azhanzholova. L.E. the Molecular biology foundations. Almaty, 224
2.9.5. Medical biology and genetics. Ed. By Kuandykov.E.U. Almaty, 444
2.10. 1. Almuhambetov.S.K. Baideisenov E.O. Medical biotechnology. Almaty, 2009.
2.10.2. Nurtaev K.S. biology of the cell and genetics. Almaty, 1990
In English:
2.9.1. Alberts et al: Molecular biology of the cell. Second edition, 2000. Garland, New York and London.
2.9.2. P.S. Verma.V.K. Agardwal. Cell biology, Genetics, molecular biology, evolution and ecology.2006 India.
2.9.3.Bringing science to life. USA. Mc Graw – Hill, Inc.1991, 614 p.
2.10. Methods of teaching and learning: The combined method (oral questioning, testing, decision of situational problems, filling tables and diagrams), case studies, role play, team play, work in the beginning, press conference, writing an essay.
- Reading the reviews and problematic lectures.
- Conduct workshops: oral survey on major issues subject, the decision model and situational problems, microscopy preparations, execution of tests, filling in tables and charts, work with didactic cards, work in small groups: role-playing "doctor and patient." work in small groups: simulations, debates, seminars, and the album, summing up.
- Check control: an oral interview subjects on the main issues, implementation of the test tasks.
· Organization Forms of the SIW:
Work with literature on the issues stipulated for independent study, preparation of abstracts, preparing presentations, drafting of a clinical case, a glossary, making test problems, making situational tasks.
· Form of SIW control: independent work of student evaluated by the teacher, respectively,to SIW forms
2.11. criteria and assessment rules:
Practical classes:
- Quizzes (student should come to class prepared on the guidelines);
testing is conducted in writing and shall be checked by the teacher):
- Drawings, decision model and situational problems (issued in albums and gived up to the teacher at the end of each session);
- Verification of lessons results registration (album art will be checked by the teacher at the end of each session).
Check control: symposium in testing form. Oral questioning and solving problem.
The final control: an integrated examination consists of two stages: 1) testing. 2) an oral (by ticket, checking skills, etc.).
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