Theme #5. Genomics, proteomics and metabolonomics
2. The aim: Formation at students of modern ideas concerning the structurally functional organization of living organisms’ genomes, and also genomics and its directions.
3. The tasks:
3.1. The structure of eukaryote genome. Mobile genome elements.
3.2. Genomics and its directions.
3.3. Proteomics - a new direction in biology and medicine of the XXI century.
3.4. Metabolonomics and new medicine development.
3.5. Bioinformatics and its prospects.
4. Performance form: glossary compiling.
1. Allele - _________________________________________________
2. Amplification - __________________________________________
3. Bioinformatics -__________________________________________
4. Databases - _____________________________________________
5. Genome library - ________________________________________
6. Biochips - ______________________________________________
7. Vector - ________________________________________________
8. Genetic code - ___________________________________________
9. Genetic engineering - _____________________________________
10. Gene - ________________________________________________
11. Genome - _______________________________________________
12. Genomics - _____________________________________________
13. Genetic map - ___________________________________________
14. DNA polymerases - _______________________________________
15. Gene therapy - ___________________________________________
16. Cloning - _______________________________________________
17. Complementary DNA - ______________________________________
18. Genetic code - ___________________________________________
19. Codon (triplet) - __________________________________________
20. Mapping - ______________________________________________
21. Clone - _________________________________________________
22. Locus - _________________________________________________
23. Metabolomics - __________________________________________
24. Metabolonics - __________________________________________
25. Metabolome - ______________________________________________
26. Nanotechnology - ________________________________________
27. The project “Human genome” - ______________________________
28. Proteome - ______________________________________________
29. Proteomics - _____________________________________________
30. Primer - ________________________________________________
31. Pseudogenes - ___________________________________________
32. Polymorphism - __________________________________________
33. Polymerase chain reaction - ________________________________
34. Plasmid - _______________________________________________
35. Restrictase - _____________________________________________
36. Recombinant DNA - _______________________________________
37. Revertase - _____________________________________________
38. PHomics - ______________________________________________
39. Satellite DNA - ___________________________________________
40. Selective medium - _______________________________________
41. Sequencing - ____________________________________________
42. Transformation - _________________________________________
43. Transposon - _____________________________________________
44. Tandem array - ___________________________________________
45. Transcriptomics - __________________________________________
46. Transcriptome - ___________________________________________
47. Toxicogenomics - _________________________________________
48. Comparative genomics - ____________________________________
49. Functional genomics - _____________________________________
50. Evolutionary genomics - ___________________________________
5. Performance criteria:
а) selection and studying of basic literary sources on the researched problem;
b) written design in a form of extracts and abstracts;
c) information processing and systematization;
d) abstract compiling and design.
Requirements to glossary design:
а) the volume of glossary should include not less than 50 terms;
b) a glossary should be compiled with brief and concrete explanations;
c) correct presentation of the bibliography list.
6. Deadline: before the midterm control on the chapter “Molecular cytobiology”.
7. Criteria of assessment: - 100 points at maximum that corresponds to 100%
8. Bibliography:
8.1. Арчаков А. И. Что за геномикой? – Протеомика. //Вопр. мед.химии, 2000. Т. 46, № 4. С. 335–343.
8.2. Арчаков А.И. Биоинформатика, геномика и протеомика - науки о жизни XXI столетия / Вопросы медицинской химии, № 1, 2000. URL: (дата обращения 12.10.2009)
8.3. Замятнин А.А. Блистающий мир белков и пептидов. //Биология. 2002. № 25–26. P. 8–13.
8.4. Ясный И.Е., Цыбина Т.А., Шамшурин Д.В., Колосов П.М.
8.5. Интернет сайты:
Структурная геномика и медицина // Молекулярная медицина. - 2009. - № 6. - С. 15-20.
9. Check:
1. Modern genome concepts.
2. Differences between procaryote and eukaryote genomes.
3. Significance of genomics in medicine.
4. Prospects of proteomics studying.
5. Application of information on human metabolism for biologically active additives and medicine creation.
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